Libertarianism, Current Events

IQ and “Liberaltarianism”

Zippy wrote the following comment over at EconLog

Low IQ people create externalities. These include crime and disorder in neighborhoods where low IQ people cluster. They also create additional need for social and governmental services. Libertarianism, or even liberaltarianism works fine in a country with a small low IQ underclass. Big low IQ underclass, not so much.

(Please don't assume I endorse the position taken by this comment just because I posted it here.)

Educated, high IQ people do tend to assume that the typical lower IQ person can't get his act together, and so needs to be taken care of with paternalistic policies and welfare benefits. (And, of course, you have probably read papers claiming that low IQ  positively correlates with being a bad driver, living in poverty, being overweight, and so on.)

Does the feasibility of "bleeding heart libertarianism" depend on having a relatively high IQ populace, or at least not having a large low IQ population? I'm interested in hearing your comments.
