Current Events

Is this free trade?

According to an email from the NY Times, The White House and Congress agreed to allow free trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama to move forward. Good. But the deal apparently “includes funding through 2013 for a program that provides benefits, including cash payments, to workers whose jobs are shipped overseas.” The two things are separable of course: there is the free trade agreement (which may or may not be a genuine free trade agreement) and there is the so-called “trade adjustment assistance” that will help those whose jobs are lost (“shipped” as if it was some material item that can be carefully packaged, boxed, and packed on a boat). Will this be overall good? I suspect so, but can’t be sure. In general, I am wary of “free trade agreements,” since they end up being anything but. If anyone has a better understanding of the situation, I’d be happy for input. How free is the free trade? How extensive is the assistance program?

Update: Here’s the article.
