Current Events

Graduate Studies in Liberty

Academia is, by my reckoning, a far more liberty-friendly place than it was twenty years ago. But most people probably still have a hard time finding a graduate program with even a single sympathetic classical liberal faculty member.

Thankfully, there’s the Institute for Humane Studies. Because of their seminar programs, even the most isolated student can spend at least a week in the summer in the company of students and faculty with similar interests and ideas.

And for graduate students, one seminar among IHS’s vast lineup stands out as the place to be:

Scholarship and a Free Society, June 23-29, at Towson University.

The faculty includes a number of friends of this blog: John Tomasi, Pete Boettke, David Schmidtz, and Bryan Caplan.  Not to mention our very own Jacob Levy! And this year’s seminar is double-sized, with lots of time set aside for students to present their own work and receive feedback from faculty.

But the deadline is approaching fast. March 31st is less than two weeks away! So apply now!
