Current Events

Rand Paul, Asshole and Moral Pervert

Evidence here.

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul remarked on President Obama‘s decision to publicly support same-sex marriage by saying, “Call me cynical, but I wasn’t sure his views on marriage could get any gayer.”

I won’t call you cynical. You’re a morally backward person with a perverted view of sex and marriage. How’s that?


UPDATE: Some readers have expressed disappointment that I am not engaging in a reasoned debate. I understand your concerns.  But what’s the point of having a reasoned debate? Has anyone on the other side ever, even once, come to this position as a result of reasoned arguments from relatively uncontroversial principles? I am not trying to have a reasoned debate with the other side. I am instead trying to heap scorn on the other side, much as in the 60s people heaped scorn on racists.
