Liberty, Left-libertarianism

Guess the Author Time

See if you can guess the author of this quote.  No Googling please.  Your only hint is that it was written in the mid-1920s.

Birth control and the use of contraceptives, marriage laws, the treatment of sexual offences and abnormalities, the economic position of women, the economic position of the family—in all these matters the existing state of the law and of orthodoxy is still medieval— altogether out of touch with civilized opinion and civilized practice and with what individuals, educated and uneducated alike, say to one another in private.  Let no one deceive himself with the idea that the change of opinion on these matters is one which only affects a small educated class on the crust of the human boiling. Let no one suppose that it is the working women who are going to be shocked by ideas of birth control or of divorce reform. For them these things suggest new liberty, emancipation from the most intolerable of tyrannies. A party which would discuss these things openly and wisely at its meetings would discover a new and living interest in the electorate—because politics would be dealing once more with matters about which everyone wants to know and which deeply affect everyone’s own life.

This person was pretty wise about what was starting to happen in the 1920s.
