Left-libertarianism, Current Events

Left-Libertarians on Marriage Equality

In the spirit of Kevin V.’s post, here’s a sampling of left-libertarian opinion on the Obergefell ruling:

Cory Massimino: Marriage Equality: Don’t Let the Good Become the Enemy of the Perfect

Sheldon Richman: The Libertarian Case for Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage

Joe Szymanski: The Goal is Free Love

Thomas L. Knapp: Life After Obergefell: Survival Tips for the Dismayed

As a bonus, here’s a related left-libertarian piece from a few months earlier:

James C. Wilson : Same-Sex Marriage is Not Enough: Separate Marriage and State

And finally, a piece of mine from a few years back on the “definitional” question: Victory Through Lexicography?
