Is *Democratic Authority* Utopophobic?

At a recent PPE Society author-meets-critics sessions, I asked whether Estlund’s new book Utopophobia is compatible with his Democratic Authority. Utopophobia argues at length, among other things, that we must…

“Defer to Epidemiologists”

I’ve been criticizing epidemiologists–including the ones publishing in JAMA, the Lancet, NEJM, etc., and the famous ones who were making apocalyptic predictions on TV last month–for doing what is clearly…

Moral Badness and Altruism

Something I’ve been thinking about: To what degree are our moral obligations to provide help and assistance to strangers reduced because those strangers are likely to be morally bad people?…

On SARS-CoV-2 and Methods

For me, what’s been most startling about the COVID crisis (other than how it has exposed how many academics are mentally unstable) is how willing world leaders and journalists are…