Are No-Fly Zones Symbolic Politics at Work?

Will Wilkinson claims they are: Excerpt: So what is the attraction to no-fly zones? I’m afraid it is that no-fly zones are a theatrical way of taking a stand on the…

Two Links

Here are a couple of links of liberaltarian interest: – Radley Balko at Reason Magazine on forensics reform.  If you're not already following Radley's work, you should be.  His journalistic…

War and Liberty

As is well known, the issue of war creates divides that cut across liberal, conservatives, and libertarian ranks.  Here I wish to focus on libertarian attitudes toward war. Most libertarians…

I suspect

that most of our readers already read Marginal Revolution.  But just in case not, I want to recommend a linked pair of Tyler’s posts: Common Mistakes of Left-Wing Economists? and Common…