Libertarianism, Current Events

Bleg: What Does Everyone Need to Know about Libertarianism?

It looks like I’ll be writing a short book titled Libertarianism: What Everyone Needs to Know for OUP. These books are aimed at a mixed audience–popular and academic. They’re serious books, but readable. The books are divided into thematic chapters. Each chapter takes a question-and-answer format. So, for example, chapter one of Islam: What Everyone Needs to Know is “General Information”, and answers three questions: 1. Why do we need to know about Islam? 2. Are all Muslims the same? 3. Where do most Muslims live?

I’ve compiled about 50 questions to answer so far and few different chapter categories. But I’d like to ask for your help. What questions do you want to see answered about libertarianism? What do you think people need to know? What are some tough questions libertarians should answer, questions which expose some of the weaknesses of the view? What are some questions that would expose some of the strengths? What are some interesting questions that should be answered but could easily be overlooked?

Note that the book won’t just be on libertarian thought, but also on libertarianism in American politics.


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Author: Jason Brennan