Some theses

1) Libertarianism (like the liberalism of which it is a subset) is, as such, best understood as a political doctrine, not a comprehensive account of the good life and a…

Libertarianism and Morality

I intend these comments as a friendly amendment to Matt’s thoughtful post. What implications, if any, does adherence to a political libertarian principle have for other moral issues? The libertarian…

Libertarianism: Thick and Thin

A few months back, there arose a bit of a kerfuffle in the libertarian blogosphere over David Gordon’s review of Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch’s Declaration of Independents. For those…

Licensing Parents

As a libertarian, I generally oppose the state interference that is licensing. In most cases of professional (or occupational) licensing programs, I see no benefit that warrants state interference. I…