Economics, Exploitation

Market Logic vs. Moral Value?

The May issue of Boston Review has a special forum on “How Markets Crowd Out Morals,” with a lead essay by Michael Sandel. Sandel’s essay is, like his recent Atlantic essay, based on his new book. In it, he argues that market logic crowds out moral value in a variety of ways.

We have to ask where markets belong, and where they don’t. And the question of where markets belong is really about how we want to live together. We can’t answer it without thinking about the meaning and purpose of goods and the values that should govern them.

The forum contains responses from a number of notables, including Matt Welch, Elizabeth Anderson and Debra Satz. And good friend of this blog John Tomasi! Tomasi reads Sandel’s basic objection to markets as one of fairness and argues, in response, that free markets actually embody a kind of fairness. His essay is here.

I’ll have more to say about Sandel’s book soon here. In the meantime, check out Boston Review!

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Author: Matt Zwolinski