Announcements, Left-libertarianism

Celebrate the iRadvent!

Warning: shameless puffery ensues.

The second issue of The Industrial Radical (iRad for short), the Molinari Institute’s left-libertarian market-anarchist magazine, went in the mail to subscribers yesterday (after a long delay, owing in part to formatting changes resulting from a switch in computers between issues), with articles by B-psycho, Kevin Carson, Gary Chartier, William Gillis, Anthony Gregory, Thomas L. Knapp, Anna Morgenstern, Darian Worden, and your humble correspondent, on topics ranging from police brutality, gun control, immigration policy, and left-libertarianism to Hugo Chávez’s mixed legacy, Noam Chomsky’s inconsistencies, Rand Paul’s anti-drone filibuster, the intersection between anarcho-syndicalism and agorism, and of course Star Wars. You can get a single issue here or subscribe here.

The first issue, on elections, oil spills, and other disasters, is available as a free download here.

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Author: Roderick Long