
10 Questions Libertarians Can’t Answer, and Hope You Won’t Ask!

Libertarianism philosophy is like a cockroach that scurries away once you shine the light of reason on it. Here are 10 hard questions libertarians can’t answer.

1. Which Koch brother has more authority over you? We all know libertarians take their orders from the Koch brothers, and that libertarian intellectuals are just hired guns for the Kochs. But what if the Kochs disagree? With whom must they side, Charles or David? Is it just the high bidder?

2. Which corporation should rule the world? Libertarians want corporations to rule the world, but that’s unrealistic. As we know, the tendency of capitalism is toward monopoly. Eventually there can be only one corporation. But libertarians never ask which corporation it should be? They might be in for a rude awakening when it turns out that Walmart, and not Target, ends up owning and controlling everything.

3. When oppressing the poor, is it better to use kicks or punches? Or should you hire other poor people to beat up poor people for you? This is why libertarianism is so unrealistic–it’s all grandiose visionary nonsense without a sense of strategy. Real political movements know that success is about execution. And while libertarians clearly want to execute the poor, they don’t have a good theory about just how to execute them.

4. If you’re so smart, how come not everyone’s a libertarian? Clearly, if libertarians had good arguments, everyone would already agree with them and be libertarian. The fact that some people aren’t libertarian proves it’s a stupid view.

5. Wasn’t America libertarian in 1850? Or at least 1870? And isn’t America 2014 clearly better than America in 1850 or 1870? It follows that libertarianism make things worse, not better.

6. How could a libertarian society produce new generations? Libertarianism is a philosophy only for old white males. But while old white males can certainly have sex with one another, they can’t reproduce without a woman. So, how could a libertarian society possibly be successful over time, without any women?

7. If Murray Rothbard was such a badass anarchist, why did he work for a state universityMr. Libertarian was all to eager to rip off the good taxpayers of Nevada. This gives us some insight into the real motives of libertarians. Rothbard just wanted to take as much as he could from society without giving anything back.

8. Come to think of it, how can libertarianism ever get going without stealing from the government? Libertarians think all taxes are theft. But to go and vote Libertarian, they have to drive on public roads! For them, this means stealing from corporations and rich people. So, libertarians could never organize their movement without doing that what they themselves regard as theft. A honest libertarian would just commit suicide with whatever rocks or sticks he happens to find in his backyard.

9. Which political leaders will you put on your currency? Bills have to have pictures of political leaders, but libertarians eschew politics. Thus, their dream of a private currency is not only misguided, but utterly incoherent.

10. If capitalism is so awesome, why is anyone still poor? Libertarians are all like, “Hoorah, capitalism. Capitalism makes us rich!” But, sorry, fellas. I don’t know if you know this, but lots of people are still poor. If capitalism were working, wouldn’t everyone be rich already?
