
Cambridge Handbook of Classical Liberal Thought

While this volume edited by Todd Henderson (Chicago law) will apparently not be out in hard copy for a couple of days, it’s now available electronically for those whose university libraries subscribe to Cambridge Core.

BHLers include:

Jason Brennan, Back to the future: New classical liberalism and old social justice

Fernando Téson, The bourgeois argument for freer immigration

and me: Political libertarianism. This is a companion piece to my Toward a non-Lockean libertarianism” that appeared in Jason and Bas’ coedited Routledge Handbook of Libertarianism. It’s also the paper I gave at the special meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society on “The Populist Threats to the Free Society, and is part of my ongoing attempt to think about how classical liberalism has, and how it could, respond to the rise in populist nationalist authoritarianism.

There are chapters by a number of our friends at the Volokh Conspiracy as well.

I want to draw special attention to Classical liberalism, race, and mass incarceration, by Aziz Huq.
