January 08, 2020
Molinari Society Location Update
According to the printed program, the Molinari Society’s session at 9:00 tomorrow morning is in Seminar A. This is a cruel lie. We are actually in Phillips Boardroom 3. Okay,…
According to the printed program, the Molinari Society’s session at 9:00 tomorrow morning is in Seminar A. This is a cruel lie. We are actually in Phillips Boardroom 3. Okay,…
The long-awaited second issue of the Molinari Review (the Molinari Institute’s interdisciplinary, open-access, libertarian academic journal) is here! Nearly twice the length of the first issue! You can order a…
One of the tragic aspects of the emancipation of the serfs in Russia in 1861 was that while the serfs gained their personal freedom, the land – their means of…
The Molinari Society will be holding its mostly-annual Eastern Symposium in conjunction with the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association in Philadelphia, 8-11 January 2020. Here’s the schedule info:…
A good thing just arrived by mail – a first edition of Francis Dashwood Tandy’s 1896 free-market anarchist classic Voluntary Socialism, autographed by the author. And for only $25! Usually…
Wine and the nectar of the beloved’s mouth entail no sin or crime Except for heretics who have swerved from our (rightful) creed. — Ibn Rāfi’ Ra’sah (early Islamic poet;…