August 22, 2012
When Spontaneous Orders Attack, Part 6
My latest and belated contribution to the C4SS symposium on spontaneous order is now up.
My latest and belated contribution to the C4SS symposium on spontaneous order is now up.
Many Facebook friends have linked to this post by Wendy McElroy. She begins, In entry-level philosophy class, a professor will often present a scenario that seems to challenge the students’…
We tell our children that it’s wrong to lie. And, at least when they are young, we do not qualify the statement. We do not tell them that it’s wrong…
If I had one magic power, it would be to force every libertarian who talks about how simple and obvious the non-aggression principle is to read this. And then, if…
(In response to Jessica’s post.) So, here’s the trolley problem: A runaway trolley is on course to kill five innocent people. I can switch the trolley to another track, saving…
Over at Philosophy etc, Bradley Gabbard argues that a widespread intuition about the trolley problem can justify compulsory aid to the global poor. Here is the trolley problem: A runaway…