August 10, 2012
McCloskey Destroys Sandel
Dierdre McCloskey refutes Michael Sandel’s last book here. Worth reading the entire thing.
Dierdre McCloskey refutes Michael Sandel’s last book here. Worth reading the entire thing.
On this day in 1945, the US dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki, murdering tens of thousands of innocent people. Just three days earlier, it had dropped an atomic bomb…
…there’s an Anti-Rothbard Cult out to get you! Tom Woods knows who they are. But he’s not telling. So stay vigilant at all times! You never know. One of them…
A few more thoughts on You-Didn’t-Build-That-Gate. (See my earlier posts here and here.) Leonard Read explained that literally no one on earth can make a pencil from scratch. This guy…
“Why do you need the right to decide how you spend your own money,” asks Jason Brennan. “You can vote!”
John Rawls was a critic of libertarianism. This much is well known. What is less well known is Rawls’s criticism of libertarianism in Political Liberalism (which I’m rereading in preparation…