October 23, 2012
Is Non-Aggression Enough?
A lot of people think that libertarianism is defined by something like the “Non-Aggression Principle.” To be a libertarian, they think, is to believe that it’s always wrong to initiate…
A lot of people think that libertarianism is defined by something like the “Non-Aggression Principle.” To be a libertarian, they think, is to believe that it’s always wrong to initiate…
The prominent American Indian rights activist Russell Means has died at 72. Means had a complicated and sometimes-controversial career, but he did as much as anyone to energize Indian rights…
Roderick Long, Sheldon Richman, Gary Chartier and yours truly at the Molinari Society Molinari Institute table at Libertopia 2012.
That’s the topic of a webcast coming up next Monday, October 22nd, at 7:00 EST. The lecturer is Chris Freiman, an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the College of William and…
Adam Smith devotes book IV of The Wealth of Nations to refuting an economic ideology he labels “mercantilism”. If you watched last night’s debates, you see that even today, mercantilism remains…
Here’s a link to one of my favorite papers, “Scepticism about Philosophy,” published in Ratio. Here’s the abstract: Suppose a person who is agnostic about most philosophical issues wishes to have…