November 21, 2012
Brian Leiter, who often mocks the ignorant and semiliterate invocations of philosophical ideas that bounce around the media, links approvingly [see his response in comments] to the following claim that manages…
Brian Leiter, who often mocks the ignorant and semiliterate invocations of philosophical ideas that bounce around the media, links approvingly [see his response in comments] to the following claim that manages…
A recent discussion on my Facebook wall has prompted me to share a few thoughts about libertarianism and the Israel-Palestine conflict. Let me start with one point: I am no…
IN a recent Boston Review article, philosophers Martin O’Neill and Thad Williamson develop and defend Rawls’s ideal economic regime, property-owning democracy. Given that these two authors have recently put out…
Well, its been a while. Having caught up with a few projects (at least for the moment), I thought I’d wet my feet once again in the blogosphere with this,…
The latest issue of Cato’s Regulation magazine contains a brief but worthwhile review of John Tomasi’s Free Market Fairness. The review, written by John Hasnas of Georgetown University, is generally sympathetic, but is quite…
Over at C4SS, Kevin Carson responds to Danny Shapiro’s and Steve Horwitz’s challenges to the left-libertarian claim that a freed market will be one with significantly less “bossism.” A taste:…