
Soi-disant “libertarian” Steven Landsburg is in the news for a simple-minded and clearly-supposed to-be-show-off-ily-“brave”-and-“provocative” hypothetical about rape that compares it to being “penetrated” by photons, and the psychic cost of…

No Ship Nor Shore

Recently a Canadian student was stopped three times in two weeks while crossing the border into the US. According to her account of the experience, the border guards were particularly…

Welcome Bas van der Vossen!

It gives me great pleasure to welcome the newest addition to BHL – Bas van der Vossen! Bas is currently an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of North…

The Failure of Market Failure

Art Carden and I have the monthly feature at Econlib:  “Is Market Failure a Sufficient Condition for Government Intervention?” We think it’s a useful and accessible primer on why pointing…

Libertarianism and Pollution

Over at, my latest post discusses the implications of Rothbardian-style libertarianism for the issue of pollution. Short version: if libertarianism means adhering to an absolutist version of the Non-Aggression…