Getting Over Social Justice

Every eight months or so, we seem to go through a bout of philosophical navel-gazing here at BHL. Some of you readers really dig that stuff, and, truly, God bless…

Liberty Links

Roy Childs – “Tyranny is Here, and Submission is a Crime!“ The conversation at Liberty Matters on Molinari and anarchism continues with more from David Friedman, Roderick Long, David Hart,…

Fearing Freedom

James Buchanan was one of the most philosophical economists of his generation, and he had a deep commitment to the classical liberal world-view. But he also identified serious challenges that…

Social Injustice as Emergent Property

David Friedman has recently challenged BHLers to clarify our understanding of social justice (also see here). David has expressed some frustration that BHLers have sometimes offered definitions of social justice…