July 20, 2013
More from Schliesser
Here. Quoted: It’s as if Brennan has been reading too much Marx and thinks that productivity is an embodied, intrinsic (or partially acquired) quality of an agent. Brennan knows better…
Here. Quoted: It’s as if Brennan has been reading too much Marx and thinks that productivity is an embodied, intrinsic (or partially acquired) quality of an agent. Brennan knows better…
Over at Open Borders, Paul Crider is puzzled why self-described cosmopolitan philosophers focus so heavily on global redistribution rather than open borders as a way to fight global poverty. I agree….
Consider this a Robin Hanson-style post. Basic textbook economics says that workers’ wages are determined by marginal productivity. (Here’s a quick explanation from Mankiw intended for a popular audience. Deep in…
I was surprised – and pleased – to learn yesterday that the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has a new entry up on Thomas Paine. The entry came as a surprise because,…
Eric Schliesser (Ghent) responds here. Some quotations: Brennan implies that the folk who advocate the moral outsourcing argument are economic nitwits. Brennan’s ridicule surprises me because these government subsidies (food stamps,…
Chez Volokh, from Randy Barnett, Ilya Somin and again, and Jonathan Adler.