Month: July 2013
July 05, 2013
Happy 80th Birthday to Leonard Liggio
Let me take a moment to wish a happy 80th birthday to one of the most important figures in the modern libertarian movement who many of you might not know:…
July 05, 2013
Robin and the Austrians Revisited II: Anatomy of a Hayek Fail
This post is my second reply to Robin’s defense of his piece in The Nation. It focuses on Robin’s reading of Hayek. It’s long, and for a reason. I want…
July 02, 2013
Robin and the Austrians Revisited: On “Elective Affinities,” “Value,” and Other Conceptual Disasters
Corey Robin has replied to (mostly my) criticisms of his piece in The Nation linking Hayek and the Austrians with Nietzsche. To prepare for this post, I reread the original…
July 01, 2013
Molyneuxveau Arguments for the NAP Stefan Molyneux has released a long video responding to the critique of the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP) I published at earlier this year. The first few minutes, in which…