Book/Article Reviews
Nancy MacLean Is Either Grossly Incompetent or a Liar
Here, Christopher Fleming finds she did the same to James Buchanan.
Read Greg Wiener’s review of her book here.
Expect to see more of this soon. Christ, I understand the government wants to buy itself an apologist for corporatism, but you’d think for $50,000 it could get someone better.
Imagine if an undergraduate read the following text:
Jason Brennan: “Calhoun asserts that racism is not wrong. But I, Jason Brennan, disagree with Calhoun.”
Now suppose the undergraduate wrote this in an essay:
“Jason Brennan writes, and I quote, ‘….racism is not wrong.'”
That’s what MacLean is doing, over and over again. She is either grossly incompetent or a straight up liar.