Some news items

First.  From the NY Times today: “At the same time that high crop prices are prompting farmers to expand into millions of acres of land once considered unsuitable for farming,…

Smith-Amash NDAA Amendment

Given that we have the government we do, does anyone think we shouldn’t support the Smith-Amash NDAA Amendment? So far as I can tell, we should be thrilled and grateful…


I don’t believe the following three arguments are definitive, but I think they are interesting.  I have taken them–or the roots of them–from an article on the topic by D.W. Haslett…

On Stephen Hicks on BHL

I had intended my first post-grading post to be about inheritance, but that will wait a bit.  Instead, I thought it was time I helped defend BHL a bit. Stephen…

A Paradox and 2 Sorts of Liberalism

In Kevin’s recent post, responding to Jessica’s prior post, Kevin discusses what he calls “the paradox of toleration.”  There are actually multiple paradoxes of toleration.  Arguably, the most important of…