July 21, 2014
Historical recognition of cognitive biases ?
There’s been a lot of talk recently about the ways in which cognitive biases (such as confirmation bias, framing effects, and the bandwagon effect) lead to errors in reasoning, and…
There’s been a lot of talk recently about the ways in which cognitive biases (such as confirmation bias, framing effects, and the bandwagon effect) lead to errors in reasoning, and…
It’s important to make sure that your empirical claims are correct–especially if you’re using them to make arguments that directly affect people’s lives. Last year the World Health Organization published…
Bryan Caplan has recently argued that some of Mill’s arguments in On Liberty are “awful” and “cringeworthy” . But the arguments that he offers in support of this claim don’t…
Here’s a recent podcast (from the Institute of Humane Studies’ Kosmos project) of me talking about markets in kidneys and children. Enjoy!
There’s been a lot of talk about the Charles G. Koch Foundation’s funding of faculty positions at the Economics Department at FSU. Much of it has been critical, with it…
In the comments section on my earlier post “It’s Not Just About Markets” (the “it”, by the way, refers to libertarianism) Dan Kervick wrote “…since voluntary exchange is a routine…