Eudaimonist Libertarianism

In his most recent post, Kevin Vallier argues that as potential moral foundations for libertarianism, “Utilitarianism is too consequence-sensitive and self-ownership is too consequence-insensitive.” I agree with him, almost. (I…

Libertarians In Jackboots?

Michael Lind’s recent article accusing libertarianism of being inherently pro-autocracy conflates two different issues. He notes that libertarians have often been skeptical of majoritarian democracy; he also notes that libertarians…

Prison Break

Fernando suggests (below) that rather than complaining that “the incarceration rate in America is too high,” we should complain instead that “America punishes innocent persons” (e.g. drug users). Certainly the…

Whence I Advene

Greetings all, and thanks so much for the invitation. I’ve been calling myself a “bleeding-heart libertarian” (inter alia) for over a decade now, so this must be where I belong;…