Polygamy is NOT the New Monogamy

[The following is a guest post by Lauren K. Hall, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Rochester Institute of Technology.] Christopher Freiman thinks it might be time to legalize polygamy…

More on Polygamy

Chris Freiman asks: why not polygamy? For related discusison, see also my 2012 review of Elizabeth Brake’s book on the subject, which advocates extending marital law not only to but…

Indeed, Why Not Polygamy?

Is it time to grant polygamous marriages the same legal recognition as monogamous marriages? I think it is and here’s why: all of the standard objections to polygamous marriage can…

Ilya Somin on Eminent Domain

The recent book by Ilya Somin, The Grasping Hand: “Kelo v. City of New London” and the Limits of Eminent Domain (University of Chicago Press, 2015) is a key contribution to the…