Libertarians and Human Rights

In a recent post, Bas van der Vossen urges libertarians to think more about human rights. I agree, so I write this commentary in the spirit of a friendly amendment….

Radar vs Wolf and the Art of Anarchy

[Editor’s Note: Exciting things have happened as BHL has gotten more exposure, and as more people have heard our arguments about the importance of varying approaches to liberty as a force…

We Are All in Drag

[Editor’s Note: My USD Colleague, Lori Watson, delivered this speech last week. I liked it a lot, and thought BHL readers would appreciate it too.]  Last week, the Pride organization,…

Of interest elsewhere:

“The Case Against Cronies: Libertarians Must Stand Up to Corporate Greed. It’s time for a free-market corporate social responsibility. Conservatives who rail against government hand-outs should also blast companies who…