Thoughts on unions

Colleagues, A while ago (around our disagreements about May Day) I had an exchange with Fernando about labor unions. I’ve been thinking about this again recently, partly as a result…

Wilkinson on Hero Inflation

Here. Calling “hero” everyone killed in war, no matter the circumstances of their death, not only helps sustain the ethos of martial glory that keeps young men and women signing…

Pick a Set of Deaths

Suppose there are two states, MoreJustia and LessJustia. Both MoreJustia and LessJustia are unjust states, but MoreJustia is significantly closer to being just and legitimate than LessJustia. Suppose for a…

Chartier on the Right to Work

There’s been a bit of discussion in one of our recent comment threads about so-called “right-to-work” laws (RTW). This is a topic we’ve discussed before here. And it’s one about…