Red Scarves and Status

In “Political Liberty: Who Needs it?”, I wrote: Imagine that in our culture, or in the human race in general, we tended to associate being given a red scarf by…

Rand Paul, Asshole and Moral Pervert

Evidence here. U.S. Sen. Rand Paul remarked on President Obama‘s decision to publicly support same-sex marriage by saying, “Call me cynical, but I wasn’t sure his views on marriage could get any gayer.”…

Smith-Amash NDAA Amendment

Given that we have the government we do, does anyone think we shouldn’t support the Smith-Amash NDAA Amendment? So far as I can tell, we should be thrilled and grateful…

Gender Rights

In the wake of North Carolina’s awfulness, I thought I’d share some happy LGBT news. On Wednesday Argentina passed a law that protects citizens’ rights of gender self-determination. From the…