Victory Through Lexicography?

Critics of same-sex marriage often argue that its defenders are guilty of seeking to “redefine” marriage. It is true that the term “marriage” has traditionally been applied, for the most…

Life of Helai (Parody of Life of Julia)

Under President Obama: Three-year-old Helai is at home, learning about Afghani village life from her mother, father, and four older siblings, when a NATO airstrike ordered by Nobel Peace Prize Winner…

May Day? Pretty Bad

I was not planning to blog about this, but I must take the pen to support Ilya Somin and Jason Brennan against their critics, in particular fellow blogger Roderick Long…

More on Voluntary Taxes

My previous post on taxation generated a number of comments, many of them focusing on worries about coordination problems and free riding. Over at Big Think, Will Wilkinson makes a…