Our First Celebrity Endorsement

Neil Peart: “I’m a bleeding-heart libertarian.” Ok, so he started using the phrase at least four months before the launch of the site and so it probably has nothing to…

The Beverage of Liberty

OK, I admit it.  Many of you suspected it all along.  My espousal of libertarian principles is really just a cover for my selfish, material interests.  An ideological superstructure, if…

Three Links

Over at the League of Ordinary Gentlemen, Murali works on developing Will Wilkinson’s idea of “Rawlsekianism,” an idea with close affinities to Bleeding Heart Libertarianism (but a much uglier name)….

Is this free trade?

According to an email from the NY Times, The White House and Congress agreed to allow free trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama to move forward. Good. But…