Couldn’t Resist

This was emailed to me recently.  I thought our readers would enjoy it. One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut.  After the cut, he asked about…

More Than Just Free Markets

Everyone knows that libertarians like free markets.  Even we Bleeding Heart Libertarians spend an awful lot of time talking about the economic implications of libertarianism.  And it would be easy…

Philosophers on Drugs

Ron Paul’s recent public statements endorsing the legalization of heroin have caught him some flak, and not just from political conservatives.  Meanwhile, in university-land, I’ve just wrapped up another semester…

FSU and the Koch Kerfuffle

There’s been a lot of talk about the Charles G. Koch Foundation’s funding of faculty positions at the Economics Department at FSU. Much of it has been critical, with it…

More on Analogical Slavery

I agree with Matt that describing Obamacare as slavery is a bad analogy.  However, I think it is important to insist on using the term “slavery” when it properly applies…