The Killing of Bin Laden

I apologize for posting on a topic that strays from the theme of our blog (although not entirely.) I am writing an article which will be published in a OUP…

IQ and “Liberaltarianism”

Zippy wrote the following comment over at EconLog:  Low IQ people create externalities. These include crime and disorder in neighborhoods where low IQ people cluster. They also create additional need…

Libertarianism and Hegemony

My views on foreign policy tend to diverge from mainstream libertarian doctrine. Take American hegemony. Many people are predicting (usually with glee) the demise of American power (see, for example,…

Bleeding Hearts at the APA

The Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association is coming to the city I call home this week.  A few of us BHLers are on the program.  If you're going…