August 04, 2012
New Video on Democratic and Market Freedom
“Why do you need the right to decide how you spend your own money,” asks Jason Brennan. “You can vote!”
“Why do you need the right to decide how you spend your own money,” asks Jason Brennan. “You can vote!”
Jesse Walker has a nice discussion of the Farrant/McPhail/Berger paper on Hayek and Pinochet.
Advocates of free markets and advocates of worker empowerment often find themselves at odds, as is attested by the current controversy between Bertram, Robin, and Gourevitch on the one hand…
Let us assume that the health-care individual mandate violates a moral right, freedom of contract. If so, non-lawyers may find it mildly surprising that Sebelius was not about freedom of contract….
[Editor’s Note: This essay is part of a symposium on John Tomasi’s Free Market Fairness. For an introduction to the symposium, click here. For a list of all posts in the symposium,…
[Editor’s Note: This essay is part of a symposium on John Tomasi’s Free Market Fairness. For an introduction to the symposium, click here. For a list of all posts in the symposium,…