July 03, 2014
Left-Libertarian Perspective(s) on Hobby Lobby
Some varying takes on the Hobby Lobby decision, from four of my left-libertarian comrades at the Center for a Stateless Society; or, what to say about apparent conflicts between state…
Some varying takes on the Hobby Lobby decision, from four of my left-libertarian comrades at the Center for a Stateless Society; or, what to say about apparent conflicts between state…
For various reasons (well, mainly money), the fourth issue of the Molinari Institutes left-libertarian publication The Industrial Radical has been delayed for nearly a year; but today it is finally…
Last year, I presented Why Not Capitalism at two APAs and a few universities. To my surprise and delight, the most common reaction (from my usually left-wing colleagues) was, “Oh, wow,…
Cohen says, and I agree, that whether something is desirable or better from a moral point of view has nothing to do with whether it’s feasible. It’s not possible for…
Chapter 2 of Why Not Capitalism? features a complete, almost paragraph-by-paragraph, parody of Cohen’s Why Not Socialism?. I mimic his argument, writing style, and phrasing. I often just borrow paragraphs but switch…
Over at C4SS Ive posted the abstract to a paper on Left-Libertarianism: Its Past, Its Present, Its Prospects that Ill be presenting at the MANCEPT 2014 Workshop on the Current…