July 03, 2014
Left-Libertarian Perspective(s) on Hobby Lobby
Some varying takes on the Hobby Lobby decision, from four of my left-libertarian comrades at the Center for a Stateless Society; or, what to say about apparent conflicts between state…
Some varying takes on the Hobby Lobby decision, from four of my left-libertarian comrades at the Center for a Stateless Society; or, what to say about apparent conflicts between state…
In a post last week, Jessica Flanigan takes me to task for my opposition to a universal basic income. Because I worry that a UBI would further encourage mass idleness,…
Here is an intellectual feast: a Podcast interview with Mark LeBar, at Free Thoughts, on the virtue of justice. In one hour you get an in-depth historical discussion of how…
Last year, I presented Why Not Capitalism at two APAs and a few universities. To my surprise and delight, the most common reaction (from my usually left-wing colleagues) was, “Oh, wow,…
As a proponent of a UBI, I often encounter some version of the surfer objection: what if some people who could work instead spend their entire income allowance on surfing or drinking or…
Cohen says, and I agree, that whether something is desirable or better from a moral point of view has nothing to do with whether it’s feasible. It’s not possible for…