March 16, 2014
Libertarian Mungerfesto: Part V–Hayekian Socialism
My apologies for the long delay since Part IV. I’m finishing a book for Cambridge U Press, and an enormous screw-up in what should have been the final (as I…
My apologies for the long delay since Part IV. I’m finishing a book for Cambridge U Press, and an enormous screw-up in what should have been the final (as I…
The last fifteen years or so have seen an explosion of writing on global justice. Here I flag a flaw in this literature: its failure to address the emergence and…
I thought readers of the blog might be interested in my recent contribution to a symposium on the Political Theology blog about “nudging.” I don’t say too much that will be new, but you…
These should be of interest to our readers: Gregory Clark (UC-Davis Econ) in the NY Times about long term social mobility. One quote: “The fortunes of high-status families inexorably fall,…
Yesterday, the Swiss did something evil: they voted to restrict immigration. Tyler Cowen comments: In my view immigration has gone well for Switzerland, both economically and culturally, and I am…
I hope that most readers of our blog are already fans of Russ Roberts’ excellent Econtalk podcast. But in case you missed it, be sure to check out this excellent interview with…