May 07, 2012
I don’t believe the following three arguments are definitive, but I think they are interesting. I have taken them–or the roots of them–from an article on the topic by D.W. Haslett…
I don’t believe the following three arguments are definitive, but I think they are interesting. I have taken them–or the roots of them–from an article on the topic by D.W. Haslett…
One of the themes in my recent conversation at Cato Unbound with David Friedman was whether utilitarianism or social justice is a better concept for thinking about the moral obligations…
A slavery argument for libertarianism holds that some non-libertarian property scheme permits actions that bear strong moral analogies to slavery. Since slavery is bad, the property scheme is bad. A…
Gerald Cohen claims that libertarians are hard deontologists. Libertarians believe everyone is a self-owner, that our rights derive from self-ownership, and that only libertarian political regimes are compatible with our…
I strongly disagree with the suggestion by Jason, Ilya, and others to rename May Day Victims of Communism Day. The fact that Communist regimes have attempted to co-opt May Day…
At the Volokh Conspiracy, Ilya Somin writes: May Day began as a holiday for socialists and labor union activists, not just communists. But over time, the date was taken over…