Social Justice: Concept and Conceptions

Between the Todd Seavey mini-bru-ha-ha, the Cato Unbound discussion, our awesome symposium on libertarianism and land, several recent BHL posts, one from Bryan Caplan and one from Ilya Somin, we keep…

On Stephen Hicks on BHL

I had intended my first post-grading post to be about inheritance, but that will wait a bit.  Instead, I thought it was time I helped defend BHL a bit. Stephen…

Dang Nabbit

Dang Nabbit writes in the comments: Jason, First of all, “hard” libertarian is a semiotic device you guys invented to make your fusionist  selves look better.  Please name one of these…

Two Marxist Premises

Consider the following Marxist argument: Economic freedom and private property in the means of production immiserate almost everyone. If some economic regime X immiserates almost everyone, then, pro tanto, X…

Some responses

To Jacob: 1. You can think social justice matters without claiming  that social justice (or even justice more broadly) is the first virtue of institutions. 2. I don’t take it…

Against Social Justice

Jason Brennan writes Social justice is a moral standard by which some people judge political and economic institutions. Advocates of social justice believe the moral justification of our institutions depends…