May 25, 2011
Philosophers on Drugs
Ron Paul’s recent public statements endorsing the legalization of heroin have caught him some flak, and not just from political conservatives. Meanwhile, in university-land, I’ve just wrapped up another semester…
Ron Paul’s recent public statements endorsing the legalization of heroin have caught him some flak, and not just from political conservatives. Meanwhile, in university-land, I’ve just wrapped up another semester…
This is a post for philosophers; my apologies to readers who have different interests. I want to suggest that, perhaps, libertarians can claim Kant as one of them. I don’t…
I agree with Matt that describing Obamacare as slavery is a bad analogy. However, I think it is important to insist on using the term “slavery” when it properly applies…
I’ve been listening to Murray Rothbard’s Economic Thought Before Adam Smith: An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought, vol. 1, available as a free PDF here or as…
Many political philosophers overestimate the importance of abstract principles for the design of institutions. Most issues of the day cannot be resolved by a sole appeal to basic principles. Whether…
Many people think justice requires that the needs–or, perhaps, basic needs–of individuals be met. Some think this requires direct government provision; others think government must merely make it possible for…