February 25, 2015
Jason Kuznicki on mores
Here, using Montesquieu (and me, but me channeling Montesquieu) as a point of departure for his own very lively thoughts about classical liberalism and modern libertarianism: We can of course…
Here, using Montesquieu (and me, but me channeling Montesquieu) as a point of departure for his own very lively thoughts about classical liberalism and modern libertarianism: We can of course…
Brink Lindsey ends his recent post with the following question, one that continues to plague political philosophy, If liberal neutrality does have limits, where are they and how do you…
John Rawls was a critic of libertarianism. This much is well known. What is less well known is Rawls’s criticism of libertarianism in Political Liberalism (which I’m rereading in preparation…
My friend and co-blogger, Jessica Flanigan, threw down the gauntlet last week over the truth of public reason liberalism, the popular version of liberal political theory that I used to…