
David Schweickart, Hack or Liar?

Via Facebook, I learned that a philosopher at Loyola Chicago plans to give a talk about me on April 12. Here’s the description:

The Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies is pleased to welcome Professor David Schweickart (Loyola University Chicago) for a Spring Applied Philosophy Lyceum, “Against Democracy??: Libertarianism, Climate Change Denial, Democracy (In Chains).”

In 2016, Jason Brennen [sic], a prominent libertarian philosopher, published a provocative book entitled Against Democracy. Schweickart will engage with Brennen [sic], arguing that there is a crucial connection between libertarianism and climate-change denialism which has serious political implications for the future of our species.


And here’s my 2018 book with Oxford University Press, where I have an entire chapter about how climate change is a very serious problem, which goes on to discussing (using Nobel Laureate Nordhaus’s analysis, among others’) how to deal with the trade-off between alleviating poverty through growth and stopping climate change.


Schweickart emailed me to say that he didn’t actually accuse me in the talk of being a climate change denier. If not, I’m not sure why his abstract is written as such, which sure insinuates that I am. He suggested I owe him an apology. I thanked him for clarifying that he is a hack rather than a liar.
