Tomasi roundtable at APSA cancelled

The author-meets-critics roundtable on John Tomasi’s Free Market Fairness scheduled for Thursday afternoon at APSA is now officially cancelled, due to 4/5 of the participants not being able to reach…

(Sweat)Shop Talk

On Tuesday, August 7th, at 8PM EST, I’ll be live at, answering questions about the ethics and politics of sweatshop labor. You can find more information and RSVP at the…

Like Us! Wear Us!

Q: What happens when a philosopher tries to run all the technical aspects of a blog by himself? A: You get a Facebook page which, for over a year, was…

More Tomasi commentary to come

Just a quick PSA before the symposium wraps up in the next few days. Now that the philosophers have had their say, political theorists and political scientists will have a…